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Parcel ID Number

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123456789098 - 12 total characters, no spaces.

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Welcome to the Loudoun County Real Estate Information Site
Loudoun County is providing public record information as a public service in accordance with Virginia Code Title 58.1-3122.2 (1998). The Loudoun County Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue provides annual valuations and maintenance of fair market values for equitable assessments on all types of real property. 

What this site provides
The property information made available on this site includes ownership and deed information, legal description, sales information, assessment values and house characteristics and can be searched by Parcel ID Number, Address and Tax Map Number. The site is updated weekly. Parcels are linked to the Loudoun County GIS, with map overlays displaying boundary and environmental information such as topography, soils, flood plain and major roads.  
Condominium garage units or assigned parking spaces associated with condominiums may have separate parcel identification numbers - and will be assessed separately.